Morning Star Victory Church is a 501c(3) Religious Corporation registered in California in April 5, 2004 for the purpose of: Proclamation and propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; Establishment and maintenance of churches: Provision of places of public worship, prayer and service in accordance with scriptural traditions and practices of the Christian faith; Establishment, maintenance and conduct of schools for religious instruction of children, and adults in the tenets of the Christian faith; Ministration of love, care and compassion in the name of Jesus Christ to all people; Licensing and ordaining ministers of the Christian faith; and for carrying out any and all other lawful activities which would be likely to further the propagation and acceptance of the Christian faith to the people of the local communities, at the national level and the world at large
The whole Bible is truly the statement of faith for Morning Star Victory Church. However, as it cannot be reproduced into this limited space, the following are highlights of what we believe all derived from what the Bible says. We believe in…
The God Head: There is One God, eternally existent in three personalities: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The deity of Jesus Christ, His Virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, and His return to earth in glory and power for the millennial rule before ushering His own to eternity.
The Inspired Word of God:The inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures in their original manuscripts.
Depravity of humanity:Humanity is naturally depraved without God.
Salvation from sin:Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not by works. The propitiation for sin is only by the blood of Jesus Christ. Personal repentance and faith in Christ Jesus is necessary for salvation from sin. The regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
Baptisms of the Holy Spirit: This occurs after salvation and consequently the Holy Spirit manifests His gifts in the believers in Jesus Christ and helps them to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit in life. Believers get constantly infilled with the Holy Spirit in the course of their service to God.
Water Baptism:Water baptism by emersion as in Matt.3: 15, 16 at an age of accountability. This occurs after personal repentance and salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
Devine Healing:Divine healing through the atoning suffering and death of Christ on the cross (I Peter 2:24.) The anointing of oil and prayer for the sick by Church elders (James 5:14.)
Holy Communion:The taking of the Holy Communion or the “Lord’s Supper” by people who call Christ their Savior in remembrance of Jesus Christ. (Mark 14:22-25, I Corinthians 11:23-26)
Giving:The giving of tithes and offeringsshould be done cheerfully as it is God’s financial plan (2 Corinthians 9:6-9). Giving of self in service to God and to others, as well as giving of material things for distribution to the needy.
Existence of Angels:Angels exist as ministers of God.
Heaven: The blessed Hope – We believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church at Christ’s coming with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then the living in Christ will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (I Thes. 4:15-17.) Literal Heaven where the righteous will live with God forever. The resurrection of the regenerated and the unregenerate, the one to everlasting life, and the other to eternal damnation (Rev. 20:11-15)
Satan & Hell:Literal Hell as a place of everlasting punishment and suffering, which will be the future abode prepared for the devil and his followers (Rev. 20:15.) The reality and personality of Satan or the devil, and demons whose purpose is to “kill, steal and destroy” humanity from their God designed purpose (John 10:10.)
Victorious Living:The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit who indwells Christians and enables them to live a holy life. Living a victorious life over sin, self, and bad habits as enabled by the Holy Spirit, through obedience to the Word of God and incessant prayer life.
Humanity’s Free Will:Free moral will power of a human being to choose the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and lead a life of absolute surrender and consecration to Him, or choose to reject Him, to backslide, to apostatize and thus be lost eternally.
In a nutshell, the Mission of Morning Star Victory Church is to “Know God, Live Fully for Him, & Make Him Known to Others.”
The Church aims at providing spiritual nurture and growth of the members through teaching of the whole Bible “to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” Members are encouraged to read the entire Bible at their own pace with the purpose of knowing the God revealed in His Word and with the understanding that the Word of God has power to transform lives.
Members seek to become practical witnesses of Jesus Christ who reach out to others to win them over to faith in God and into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Members are exhorted to: Serve God faithfully in areas of their gifting; Be perseverance in prayer; generous in giving; diligent in outreach; accountable in fellowship; dedicated, devoted and obedient to the Word of God; show readiness in responsibility; have the objective of always doing what they do for the glory of God.